Musical Speaker

‘Act like a musician and improve harmony in your organization’


Keynote Collaboration


Music is the perfect mirror for collaboration.

Whether it’s listening and tuning in, or improvising and responding to change, music is the perfect metaphor to talk about collaboration.

  • How do you tune into each other in times of change?
  • How do you make sure every voice counts?
  • How do you create a melody together that resonates?

A fresh, customized keynote, with practical insights and live music.

Customized keynote (30-60 minutes)

Price: € 3250 ex VAT

Keynote Communication

How ‘The Most Beautiful Lanuage’ gets you moving.

Music is a great language. Even if you’re not musical, you can put the principles of that language to good use:

To connect, to touch, to get people moving, exactly as music does. Imagine that same impact, but….

  • …at the office
  • …during a meeting
  • …or in any situation where you want to inspire

Discover how you can set the tone without music.

Customized keynote (30-60 minutes)

Price: € 3250 ex VAT

Musical Chairman

Turn your event into an unforgettable experience

With (live) music and interaction, every room gets moving. Speakers are announced with matching music and this immediately creates energetic dynamics.

Music is also a powerful metaphor, whatever the theme of the day.

  • chairman with live music
  • Extensive preliminary discussions with speakers and organization
  • Professional advice on plenary content

The musical format provides surprising insights.

Musical Chairman

Price: € 3250 ex VAT

Nicolaas Duin is a certified professional speaker



Direct contact

"Incredibly fun and inspiring afternoon. What energy and unexpected parallels between music and our work.
Thank you!!!"
Vincent Timmers
Partner at Ebbinge, CFO Practice Lead
"Inspiring, enthusiastic, and connecting! Impressive how Nicolaas captivates and maintains his audience's attention. It was a surprising experience and a beautiful energizer."
Pien Verweij-van der Vegt
Manager Bedrijfsvoering KPMG
"Magnificent. Well done. Everybody is very happy. This is a true resource in these weird times. A connection which is so badly needed. Music proves once again that it can build that bridge."
Frédérique François
Managing Director, Legal, FedEx Express